Next Gen GREEN Ultra Fuel Efficient Advanced Hull Forms
At BENTLEY MARINE we use the latest AI Technology to design the most fuel efficient hulls in the industry for Next Gen Smart Ships.
More about the unique advantages of Hydrofoil hulls and A-foil equipped BENTLEY Marine vessels: Seakeeping of Hydrofoils: Maneuvering of Hydrofoils:
Developed and patented by a leading aerospace scientist, the Canted Strut Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull CS-SWATH, is wide hull design ideal for long range cruising at moderate speeds, while the more advanced High Speed SWATH can glide at 45-55Knots. Composed by two submerged torpedo like lower hulls of a varying cross-section connected to upper hulls (sponsons) by four canted struts which pierce the water surface. A SWATH Ship is totally supported by the buoyancy from the fully submerged torpedo like hulls. The reduced waterplane area of the struts partially decouples the ship from wave action on the sea surface, thus substantially reducing wave-induced force moments acting on the vessel and producing very very small ship motions in rough waters at most headings and speeds, which translates in an unsurpassed ride quality and seamanship. An advanced touch screen automatic motion-control system provides a the smooth ride.
Developed and patented by a leading European Navy scientist from BENTLEY MARINE and offered exclusively by BENTLEY MARINE, the variable draft High-Speed Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull HS-SWATH, uses a slender patented semi-planing hull that reduces wave drag, making it possible for this unique SWATH to achieve 45-60 Knots cruising speeds in very heavy seas.
This innovative SWATH design, is based on four interconnected variable draft torpedo like hulls, which increase hydrodynamic and seakeeping performance for greater speeds and superior comfort. Variable draft, means you can navigate in shallow waters too. QUAD's short hulls are able to rise above the wave "hump" much more quickly, similar to the way a ski boat pushes a large wave when it's traveling slowly but rises above that resistance when it reaches higher speeds. Contrary to displacement yachts, which are heavy "floating tubs" too large to move beyond the hump and encounter more resistance the faster they go, thereby becoming fuel inefficient at higher speeds, the QUAD offers about twenty times better seakeeping in heavy seas with the ability to maintain full speed. A 115ft QUAD 4 Hull SWATH, has seakeeping characteristics comparable or superior to a 350ft monohull ship. QUAD's exclusive Multi-Display Touch-screen Control and Maneuvering System makes it a snap! The computer controls an automatic Fin / Ballast Motion System and has Alarm and Monitoring capabilities.
More about the unique advantages of HS/CS-SWATH and QUAD hulls:
Seasickness Elimination: The HS/CS-SWATH and QUAD do not bob up and down like a cork on top of the waves as conventional monohulls and catamarans do. Its submerged hull rides like a submarine below the waves, while the waves passes harmless through the surface piercing struts, giving these type of vessels motion characteristics of ships three times its length and up to twenty times its displacement.
More Deck Space: The HS/CS-SWATH and QUAD wider beam-to-length ratio provides much more deck space then comparable displacement monohulls, meaning more useful space along the ship.
Ability to maintain Speed and Direction in Rough Waters: Conventional ships must dramatically reduce speed in rough sea conditions to avoid slamming damage from waves and to avoid seasickness of passengers onboard. Like hydrofoils, the HS/CS-SWATH and QUAD can maintain up to 90% of its speed under sea state 4, conventional monohulls and catamarans only up to half of it.
Excellent Low Speed Maneuverability: The HS/SC-SWATH and QUAD wide separation of its propellers enables them to make a complete circle within its length at zero forward speed.
Dynamically supported Air Cavity hulls provide greater speed per horsepower in planning
monohulls and catamarans. BENTLEY Marine has several designs of monohulls and
catamarans with this fuel efficient technology.
The simpler construction of ACC provides great advantages in comparison with other high
speed ships with dynamic principles of support.
This is one of the most recent and advanced patented hull forms offered exclusively by BENTLEY MARINE and the second fastest, after the remarkable 250 knot Ekranoplans. The ultra sleek Next Gen trimaran hull supports a triangular wing shaped superstructure that provides Wing in Ground effect in high speeds for a 70% dynamic lift of the craft's weight. Developed and tank tested in Europe by BENTLEY MARINE's world leading military marine scientists and engineers, the WPT is the ultimate platform for very high speeds with negligible wake and minimum power. Our current commercial, pleasure and military designs range from 20 tons to over 1000 tons. The giant 1000 Ton version can achieve speeds over 120 knots and operate in Sea State 5 conditions, becoming the Littoral Combatant, passenger Ferry and cargo ship of the future. Able to carry heavy helicopters at high speeds, the WPT will soon prove to be a superior and attractive Military Ship. It's Stealthy superstructure with concealed weaponry capability will outperform even the most advanced military monohulls and catamarans in the battle field. The extremely flexible modular design also makes the WPT an ideal passenger & cargo platform for offshore operators.
This Next Gen well proven Military Technology is now firstly offered for ferry and cargo operators by BENTLEY Marine. Several different custom configurations are available, including as a Military Transporter for cargo, soldiers and tanks.
BENTLEY Marine offers the most advanced amphibian transporter in the world! With a displacement of 700 tons and a load capacity of up to 300 tons, this magnificent vessel is capable of cruising speeds of 150km/h up to a maximum of 250km/h over ice, water or land depending on load. It is powered by a combination of turbofans and turbo props for maximum lift and best fuel efficiency.
The ultimate GREEN Ship technology for large Fast Container Ships or even Aircraft Carriers, with far superior seakeeping than monohulls, better fuel consumption and increased deck space. BENTLEY MARINE Team of Naval architects and engineers are the world leaders in this technology are are ready to suit your particular commercial or military needs. BENTLEY MARINE Next Gen SWATH Monohull with Outriggers provide far better seakeeping and speed than other conventional monohull with outrigger first generation Ships.
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